I offer clinical supervision to LPC and LMFT interns/associates. My supervision philosophy looks at clinical skills, administrative effectiveness, and the person who is the therapist to help supervisees bring their whole self to the healing relationship. I offer a Trans- and Queer-Centered Supervision Group in Portland OR to help interns build their skills and professional identity without having to battle cisheteronormativity in supervision. If you’d like to work with me one-on-one, I also offer individual supervision for Oregon LPC and LMFT assocates who want help reaching their professional goals and bringing their whole selves to their professional role.

Clinical supervision can be a complex relationship, because the supervisor is serving in multiple roles of consultant, teacher, mentor, and gatekeeper. I like to be up-front about these realities, and work together with you to build a trusting relationship in which you can get the support you need. I work well with self-starters who want to learn and grow as people, and who recognize that the most important things in therapy come from a genuine relationship.
Getting started in your career can be tough, especially if you’re going into private practice. There’s so much freedom, but there can also be lot of uncertainty. Luckily, there are a lot of tools that can make things easier, and some basic business skills go a long way in ensuring success. I started my private practice in 2016, and I’ve had the benefit of a couple of post-Master’s internships that used a private practice model. I’m happy to share what I learned with you to support you in meeting your goals.
There’s also the aspect of developing a professional identity and working through one’s personal obstacles in being an early career therapist. Honing your clinical skills and integrating therapy approaches that work well for you and your clients is a super-important part of doing good therapy. On top of that, there’s the therapeutic relationship, and how to work with being genuine, congruent, and making authentic interpersonal contact, all within the context of having the right boundaries.
My own graduate training was very relational, experiential, and personal, and I think that gave me a really good preparation for being with clients. Even so, there were many things I didn’t learn in my graduate program that I had to figure out later on, through study, training, supervision, and clinical experience. I’m here to support you in filling out your knowledge and experience, and bringing everything together into an integrated balance in your professional life.
Getting out of grad school and into the work world can be quite a transition, and having good support and encouragement can go a long way. If you wish, you can read more about my approach to supervision and my integrative model of supervision. check out If you’re interested in individual or group supervision with me, feel free to reach out and we’ll set up a time to talk. Looking forward to hearing from you! ☺