After long last, the third paper from my dissertation has been published online in the Journal of Humanistic Psychology. This article presents the results from my qualitative study of folks who recovered from bipolar disorder using Buddhist-inspired mindfulness and other wellness practices.
There were 4 top-level themes of the effects of mindfulness practice:
- building the capacity for health
- emotional regulation
- shifts in experiential perspective
- a few adverse experiences
There were also several sub-themes, including cultivating resilience, emotional self-awareness, emotional freedom and reduced reactivity, and cognitive clarity. If you’d like to learn more, check out the article on the JHP website, or reach out to request a copy directly from me.
This screenshot summarizes the themes reported in the JHP article (although the article contains a lot more detail and analysis!):

For a visual overview of all of the study’s findings, check out the poster I made during my PhD.